Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
Catching the Train...
See more of Jim's work: jimnutty.com
James Murray
November 6, 2015
Early morning commuters travel in herds through London Wateroo Station to the underground.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
Morning Ritual
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
Morning Ritual - a collage of images from morning's "first things" from making coffee, setting out my camera by the back door, getting the paper and iPhone snips from the walk there and back, quiet moments to start the day.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Sam Koerbel
November 6, 2015
Taken early in the morning, this local Coffee shop is a good place to start the day. The building it resides in has been constructed exclusively from old shipping containers.
See more of Sam's Work: http://koerbelphotography.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
One of the many exits of London Waterloo Station. They have a strange mixture of traditional and contemporary design.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
Matt Burris
November 6, 2015
The Storm Brewing Over Lacamas Lake
Taken just after noon before a heavy rain in Camas, WA.
Constitution Gardens in Autumn Time
Angela Pan
Foggy morning in DC
Beau Rogers
Close Encounters of the Sierra Kind (California's Donner Pass Road)
See more of Beau's work: http://www.beaurogers.com/
Daily Stops
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
Daily Stops - taking Paul to catch the bus over to Kansas City daily for classes, stopping by the family estate across the road to check on Mom and record a scene or two.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Getting Going
David Hime
November 6, 2015
Last Friday was not a typical day in my life. My wife and I flew to NYC to see our daughter, who moved there this past summer. Here we are, in her tiny apartment, getting ready to start our day. I love this picture because of the little details like having her microwave on top of her tiny refrigerator, and having to blow dry her hair in the living room because that's where the plug is.
See more of David's work: http://www.davidhime.com/
Morning Walk
Angela Pan
Taking Frankenstein out on his morning walk
Patriq Hansson
Going out for a walk together with my dad, and he stops to change a few words with a neighbor.
The neighbor has begun renovating an old house which has been standing untouched for many years. I remember as a kid that here lived a very grumpy old man with his dog. Few people seemed to like him, but one day me and a friend of mine got into his garden to pet his dog, and the man came out, grumpy at first but soon showed that he was actually very kind and friendly.
See more of Patriq's work: http://primalplanet.se/
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
The cow outside my favorite cheese shop at Viktualienmarkt
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
Lacy Japanese Maple
David Hime
November 6, 2015
We rented a car in Manhattan and drove out into the countryside for the day to look at the fall foliage, and get away from the hustle and bustle for awhile. The leaves were falling like snow along Highway 21. This Lacy Leaf Japanese Maple was at a nursery along the way. It was planted in 1964 for the World's Fair and is slowly living out its last days being lovingly cared for by the nursery staff.
See more of David's work: http://www.davidhime.com/
Office Upgrades
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
This particular day was a busy one with some fall housekeeping: here I tore down the office to add in a couple Mac Pros I had just received to assist the photographic workflow.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Sam Koerbel
November 6, 2015
Inside the coffee Shot there are a few things for sale, I though the blue shelf created a wonderful backdrop.
See more of Sam's Work: http://koerbelphotography.com/
Matt Burris
Taken around 4:30 PM after a heavy rainstorm.
The Fall Road After the Storm
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
The staircase in the office building of my morning appointment.
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
Jim Nutty
10 September 2015
A gargoyle in the Rathaus courtyard.
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
Autumn Abstract
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
I composed one of my morning scenes with the purpose of creating an abstract as visualized in this picture.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
Self portrait /street scene outside the butcher...
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
The fantastic staircase on the way to lunch at Cafe Glockenspiel
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
I walk along the bank of the Thames everyday into work. This little guy came by to say hello this morning by Big Ben and more then likely hang around for food from the restaurants nearby.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
One of the locations that I take every photographer who comes to London. It's a pretty iconic shot that I seem to now take for granted. As you walk through you get a whole plethora of smells and not all of them good.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
Autumn along the Thames is a pretty good sight. In the morning it's filled with early morning joggers getting their fix in before work.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
Sam Koerbel
November 6, 2015
In a small stretch of road through downtown on my way to work there is one corner that has yet to be redeveloped, and this homeless man was posted here on a very ominous morning. This isn't typical for downtown Denver, so I think it made it that much more interesting for me.
See more of Sam's Work: http://koerbelphotography.com/
Sam Koerbel
November 6, 2015
This is a view from my office as I walk up to the main level from the basement, the fall color has held on extra long in our neighborhood. The sidewalk on the right get me to the gym at lunch most days, so I really have enjoyed this scene. I also liked the Mini Cooper all alone in this shot.
See more of Sam's Work: http://koerbelphotography.com/
David Hime
November 6, 2015
Intensity. That pretty much sums it up.
See more of David's work: http://www.davidhime.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
The Tate Britain is a very under-visited gallery. What is there is very popular for school trips but many Londoners do not know of the wonders that are inside.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
Stuart Deacon
November 6, 2015
Also on my morning drive. There are a lot of joggers that run along the river. And for fun they throw their old shoes on the wires near a bridge. Very strange. And I don't know who takes them down... But they just build up again.
See more of Stuart's work: https://500px.com/stuartdeacon
What Does a Dog Look at When it Fetches a Ball
David Hime
November 6, 2015
We ended up at a place called Paradise Park in Rye, NY. There was a beach there where people were playing with their dogs on what many think was one of the last pretty days before winter really begins to set in. I used to have 2 Border Collies, and I know their personalities and intelligence, and I loved talking to the owner and watching her play with her dogs. By the way, what do YOU think a dog looks at when he's bringing a ball back to you?
See more of David's work: http://www.davidhime.com/
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
The ceiling of Karlsplatz Station
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
A sole visitor in one of the galleries inside the Tate Britain. He was there for ages trying to take the exact photo he wanted of the centre piece.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
Patriq Hansson
The sports area where I used to play soccer as a child. I was a terrible soccer player, I really was. We had some great times however, and things didn't look decayed like this.
"Kuk" has been written on the wall. It means dick.
Very mature.
See more of Patriq's work: http://primalplanet.se/
Patriq Hansson
The old parts of town. The very old parts. Luckily this area is being better taken cared of. Today closed and empty of people, but in the summer it comes alive with a café, celebration of the midsummer holidays and maybe a tourist or two.
The building on the right side is where the smith used to work, back during that time.
See more of Patriq's work: http://primalplanet.se/
Patriq Hansson
An old hotel? I actually don't know. It's been abandoned for as long as I can remember. My dad told me during our walk that he had been inside once, a long time ago. Back then it was owned by some old woman.
It would be interesting to go inside sometime just to look, or to get some eerie photos.
See more of Patriq's work: http://primalplanet.se/
Patriq Hansson
When it's getting colder outside I always love to get inside a café and sit down with a hot coffee and a book.
This café is actually pretty new, but it's located in an old pharmacy building. Really nice atmosphere in here. Too bad that the fire had gone out just as I got there.
Winding Down
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
Another iPhone recollection of my kind of 'ending to the day' as I wandered down to the pasture in back of our place to watch the sunset.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
Another view of the staircase.
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/
Patriq Hansson
Dinner with family. Tacos, probably soon to be a national dish considering how popular it has become.
It's always nice to go back to see my family. I would not want to return and live in the small town that I used to call home, but I like visiting a few times every year. A couple of hours after this photo I got on the train to go back home to where I live now.
Until next time..
See more of Patriq's work: http://primalplanet.se/
Beau Rogers
Here I am with two of my friends that work for Friends of Nevada Wilderness... Kurt Kuznicki and Shevawn Von Tobel...
See more of Beau's work: http://www.beaurogers.com/
Friday Night
Angela Pan
Friday nights are usually spent at the gym. I'm so cool. I know.
Stuart Deacon
November 6, 2015
First thing in the morning on the way to work I get to drive through this awesome park by my restaurant! I love when I get there and the lights are still on.
See more of Stuart's work: https://500px.com/stuartdeacon
Stuart Deacon
November 6, 2015
During one of my deliveries in the afternoon. This is a gate of a house by the restaurant. This house is for sale for about 11 million!!!
See more of Stuart's work: https://500px.com/stuartdeacon
Final Reflections
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
The final image from my day: made completely in the iPhone as I walked our dog, Beorn, I took two photos using a low light camera app: Cortex App, then stitched them in Autostitch, then made adjustments in Snapseed, followed by visits into Alien Sky and Reflect to finish out the image, a fifteen minute exercise to pay tribute to the beautiful afterglow of another amazing sunset.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Empire Dreaming
David Hime
November 6, 2015
We got back into the city early enough to run over to the Empire State Building and get upstairs in time for sunset. I know that this picture is taken literally thousands of times each day, but it was the first time I had ever been up in the Empire State Building, and I loved having the opportunity to capture an image like this. Stunning and awe inspiring. The crowd on top must have felt the same, because it was very quiet up there (other than the wind). I think everyone was as in awe as I was.
See more of David's work: http://www.davidhime.com/
Flight of Fancy
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
Composed in the Olympus and then reinvented in the iPhone.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
Sailor's Delight
Jeffrey McPheeters
November 6, 2015
I love our Kansas sunsets. There's no place like home, as Dorothy says.
See more of Jeff's work: http://www.jeffmcpheeters.com/
James Murray
November 6, 2015
The commute home is even busier then the commute into London. It tends to be a free-for-all with a hit of British queueing.
See more of James' work: http://thinkjamesphoto.com/
King Kong's Perch
David Hime
November 6, 2015
As Angela has taught us, ALWAYS, ALWAYS look behind you. You never know what opportunities lie there.
See more of David's work: http://www.davidhime.com/
Stuart Deacon
November 6, 2015
On my way home at the end of the day. I had to drop something off at my parents house. I love the old lamp post lights in their neighbourhood.
See more of Stuart's work: https://500px.com/stuartdeacon
Sam Koerbel
November 6, 2015
Not a good idea, but I did it - A long exposure while driving! I wanted to come up with in interesting way to capture the traffic jams through the city at the end of the day, so I gave it my best shot by being abstract.
See more of Sam's Work: http://koerbelphotography.com/
Jim Nutty
November 6, 2015
This Victory Gate in Munich was originally dedicated to the Bavarian army. It was nearly destroyed in WWII and after reconstruction was dedicated to peace with a plaque reading "Dedicated to victory, destroyed by war, urging peace"
See more of Jim's work: http://jimnutty.com/